
  1. sikone would like to offer this internship to
  2. students, either
    1. undergrads
    2. post-grads
    3. research
  3. for our open-work project
  4. which is a multi-disciplinary project involving mainly
    1. information technology
    2. computer software
  5. and also
    1. social communication
    2. patent
    3. organisational behaviour
    4. open expression
    5. decision making
    6. management
    7. etc
  6. please note that presently the membership is expected to be unpaid
  7. but we try our best that intern gets decent returns in terms of
    1. knowledge
    2. money
  8. and work closely with intern and associated organisations to make it happen
  9. internship is between 2 (min) to 8 (max) weeks
  10. we forbid any intermediate fee to be charged from intern, either by parent organisation (like education institute, or intermediate agents)
  11. the internship is remote, where intern has to arrange own
    1. laptop
    2. internet
  12. internship needs to be planned at least 2 weeks in advance, where..
  13. following will be defined jointly between sikone and intern
    1. task list
    2. timelines
    3. final output
    4. additional resource requirement
    5. work schedule
    6. etc
  14. at the end intern will get a digital signed certificate, which will be available to public at sikone website for direct verification
  15. certificate will mention intern credentials, work planned for and achieved, timelines, work references, if any, and other details
  16. if you're interested or know someone who is then do contact us